Whether your company has employees that need to learn new skills or upgrade their existing skills, NewLife Info Tech has experienced certified professionals who are proficient in the latest technologies and can provide the right training.


Tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization, our Oracle® Courses cover a spectrum of topics, from database administration to application development. Choose from on-site workshops, virtual classrooms, or self-paced online courses to suit your team's learning preferences.

Why Train at NewLife?

Comprehensive Curriculum

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, our courses cover the entire spectrum of Oracle® technologies. From Oracle® Database Administration to Java Development, our curriculum is designed to meet the diverse needs of IT professionals.

Hands-On Learning

At NewLife, we believe in learning by doing. Our courses feature hands-on labs and projects that allow you to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations. Gain practical experience and build the skills needed to excel in your Oracle®-related roles.

Flexible Learning Options

We understand that everyone has unique learning preferences and schedules. Choose from a variety of learning options, including on-site classes, virtual classrooms, and self-paced online courses. Tailor your learning experience to fit your lifestyle and professional commitments.

Let our experienced certified Oracle® professionals train & provide professionals for your company.

Apply for Your Courses Today